Sunday, February 24, 2008

Taylor Mali on what teachers make

A few weeks ago a friend sent me this video. The comedian is talking about teachers and what they make. As a teacher I found it amusing and I hope you do too! Enjoy.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I have been beginning to experiment with Diigo and I think this program has revolutionized the web for me. Prior to using Diigo I hated reading online because I felt like I never remembered what I read. I NEED to underline and write notes while I read or else when I return to the article I only have a vague memory of what I read. So I always spent a lot of time and money printing out everything so that I had a paper copy to write on. Now, thanks to Diigo, I can simple read and make notes online and they are saved for the next time I revisit the site. It is wonderful. If only it worked on PDF files as well. What do you think?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

This is my first blog ever and so it is still a work in progress. I have to admit at first I was a little intimitated but it is actually really easy to make one of these. So keep checking back to see my progress. Make sure to vote in my poll too!